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School of English - AUTh

School of English LOGO

School of English - AUTh

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Department of American Literature and Culture

Department of American Literature and Culture

Course Catalogue

     Offered during 2024-2025
G-LSUD1 Res1-120C Computer Literacy and Research Skills
G-LSUD1 Res1-220C Methodology of Research
G-LSUD1 Lit1-120C Computer Literacy and Research Skills
G-LSUD1 Lit125C Workshop in Critical Writing: Poetry
G-LSUD1 Lit126C Workshop in Critical Writing: Drama
G-LSUD1 Lit127C Workshop in Critical Writing: Fiction
G-LSUD1 Lit5-130C Introduction to Literary Studies
G-LSUD4 ComThe490E Supervised Research Paper
G-LSUD4 ComThe495E Diploma Thesis
G-LSUD2 AmLit270C American Literature and Culture: From Colonial Times to Industrialization
G-LSUD2 AmLit271C American Literature and Culture: From Modern Times to the Present
G-LSUD3 AmLit314E Approaches to American Studies
G-LSUD3 AmLit315E Studies in American Culture
G-LSUD3 AmLit329E Contemporary Drama/Theatre
G-LSUD3 AmLit338E Race and Ideology: American Literary and Dramatic Texts
G-LSUD3 AmLit339E Postmodern American Fiction, Transgressions and Latest Trends
G-LSUD3 AmLit340E Introduction to the Literature of the American South
G-LSUD3 AmLit344E Writers of the American South and their Literary Legacy
G-LSUD3 AmLit347E Modernism and Prose in the US
G-LSUD3 AmLit365E American Culture and Melodrama in the 19th century
G-LSUD3 AmLit367E Modernist American Poetry: Making it 'New'
G-LSUD3 AmLit368E American Theatre 1776-1950
G-LSUD3 AmLit369E The Politics of Race and Gender in American Culture: African-American Writers
G-LSUD3 AmLit377E Inter-American Studies
G-LSUD3 AmLit388E Narrative in American Cinema and Culture
G-LSUD4 AmLit412E Postmodern American Poetry: Experimentation, Diversity, and the Power of Voice
G-LSUD4 AmLit428E Experimental Theatre: Avant-Garde and Post-modernist Innovations
G-LSUD4 AmLit437E Topics in American Literature I: Contemporary Gothic Transformations
G-LSUD4 AmLit439E Multiethnic Landscapes: North American Writers and Writers of the Caribbean Diaspora
G-LSUD4 AmLit444E Creative Writing Workshop
G-LSUD4 AmLit450E Psychological Aspects of Narrative Experience
G-LSUD4 AmLit452E Ethnic Studies in the USA
G-LSUD4 AmLit459E English Drama around the world
G-LSUD4 AmLit465E The American Novel in the 19th century
G-LSUD4 AmLit475E American Literature and Film
G-LSUD4 AmLit477E Topics in American Literature ии: Science Fiction
G-LSUD4 AmLit478E Topics in American Literature III: Fantasy Literature
G-LSUD4 AmLit481E Cultural Policy of the American Media
G-LSUD4 AmLit482E Political Rights Movements in the USA
G-LSUD4 AmLit489E American Literature and Digital Humanities
G-LSUD4 AmLit490E Ideology, American Cinema and Culture
G-LSUD4 AmLit498E American Urban Spaces and Identities
G-LSUD3 Lit390E Introduction to the Research Paper