This course aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to the basic concepts and principles of phonological analysis. The first part of the course will cover basic issues in phonology such as variation, distribution and systems of contrasts. The theory of distinctive features will follow and topics such as natural classes and the form and function of phonological rules will be discussed. The second part of the course will focus on the standard model of generative phonology. We will examine important theoretical issues such as the levels of representation, the ordering of phonological rules, redundancy and simplicity. The final part of the course will present basic theoretical issues in some contemporary approaches including the metrical and autosegmental frameworks as well as optimality theory. Examples and data will be presented from a variety of languages, while English and Greek will also be discussed. Numerous exercises will be given to the students with the aim to reinforce the basic concepts and principles of phonological analysis introduced in the lectures. Course handouts and other materials (audio files, videos, internet sites) are uploaded on eclass. Assessment: final exam consisting of theoretical and practical questions with emphasis on the phonological analysis of data.
Semester | Group | Day | From | To | Room | Instructor |
Spring | Tuesday | 13:30 | 16:00 | 112 ð.ê. | Topintzi Ioanna (Nina) |