The Main Collection is situated in the main area and the loft of the Library. Books are shelved based on their classification number.
Books with call numbers from A to P106.L can be found in the loft whereas books with call numbers from P106.M to Z can be found in the main area of the Library.
Classification numbers signify the subject of each book and follow the rules of the Library of Congress Classification System. The first element
of the classification number is a latin letter(s) and signifies the various sciences. The main categories in which the library has a rich collection are:
B | Philosophy. Psychology |
D | History and Civilization of Great Britain |
E-F | History and Civilization: America (Western Hemisphere) |
H | Social Sciences. Women Studies |
L | |
P | Language and Literature |
PA | Greek Language and Literature |
PE | English Language |
PN | Literary Theory. Film. Theatre |
PR | English Literature |
PS | American Literature |
The On Reserve Collection is part of the Main Collection. It consists of books that the teaching staff of the department consider useful for students
to consult during the courses taught in each semester. These books are placed on the selves between the reading room and the IT facilities of the library,
and are grouped on the basis of their classification number. They bear a yellow sticker on their spine in order to be easily distinguished from the other
books of the Main Collection. Dictionaries and Norton Anthologies are always on reserve.
Library users can view on reserve bibliographies through the Aristotle University
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC), following the hyperlink "Course Reserves" of
the home page. Searching by course name and code, instructor and department is available.
In addition, a printed catalogue with the on reserve bibliographies of the winter and spring semester is also available at the Reference Desk.
Books that belong to this collection are indicated in the catalogue as "3-hour loan" for the bibliographies of undergraduate courses and "3-day loan" for the bibliographies
of the postgraduate courses.
The Reference Collection consists of general encyclopedias, encyclopedias about language and literature, English language dictionaries, biographical dictionaries, bibliographies and more. Reference books are also shelved based on their classification number which follows the rules of the Library of Congress Classification System. The Reference Collection is situated at the back of the Reading Room.
The Library subscribes to 95 journal titles. The library collection of journals along with the journal collections of most libraries of the Faculty
of Philosophy can be found in the Faculty of Philosophy Subject Library, in New Wing
of Philosophy building. Journals in the particular library are placed on the shelves in an alphabetical order by title. They cannot be borrowed.
They can only be used or photocopied inside the Library. You can check the journal titles that the School of Philosophy Library holds as well as
the specific volumes and issues of each title in the Library Catalogue.
You can find more information about how to locate journals and journal articles in Searching AUTh Resources.
The Library owns the following Cd-Roms. Users may ask for these sources at the reference desk and use them only inside the library.
- Britannica CD Ultimate Reference Suite (incl. MW dictionary & atlas)
- Encyclopedia Britannica Black History
- Exploring Short Stories
- Exploring Novels
- Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
- The Comprehensive Shakespeare Dictionary
- William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
- The New England Transcendentalist
- Collins Cobuild English Collocations on CD-ROM
- Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - Deluxe Audio Edition
- Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder
- Merriam-Webster's Word Crazy
- TESOL Quarterly-Digital (1967-1998)
- TESOL Journal-Digital (1991-1998)