Phonological Development

Pronunciation and Vocabulary Teaching

Research is underway for the combined teaching of pronunciation and vocabulary to foreign learners of English. Work focuses on the provision of a theoretical framework and a new methodological approach for the combined teaching of these aspects of language. A collection of activities have been designed and application of the approach to primary school pupils learning English as a foreign language is currently planned in order to evaluate the potential benefits it may bring to language teaching.

Pronunciation Seminars

Courses in the teaching of English pronunciation to foreign learners of English are regularly offered to EFL teachers during the Teacher Training Courses organized in the department ( Courses focus on the teaching of the segmental and suprasegmental aspects of the language and provide both a theoretical and an applied/practical component.  They aim to improve teachers’ own pronunciation skills, raise teachers’ awareness on the benefits of the inclusion of pronunciation teaching in the curriculum, and discuss specific pronunciation problems foreign (in particular Greek) learners of English usually encounter. Teachers are exposed to current methodology for the teaching of pronunciation, principles for the selection and design of materials, and methods for pronunciation testing and assessment.

Courses on the International Phonetic Alphabet and the phonetics/phonology of Greek are also on offer upon request for Greek speech and language therapists. The courses offer relevant theoretical background and practical work including transcription of normal and disordered speech.

Design of Pronunciation Materials

As part of the undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the teaching of pronunciation, students are required to produce materials for the teaching of segmental and suprasegmental aspects of English and Greek. A rich collection of such activities is available in the lab.