Volume 4 Contents

Η καλοανατεθραμένη
Κατερίνα Αγγελάκη-Ρουκ

Ο ερωτισμός στη γυναικεία ποίηση
The Erotic in Women's Poetry
Αικ. Δούκα-Καμπίτογλου

Towards a Homeopathic Erotics: Sylvia Plath's "Nick and the Candlestick"
David Punter

Denying Eros: Reading Women's Poetry of the Mid-twentieth Century
Sabine Coelsch-Foisner

Taking Patriarchy out of Poetry: Eroticism and Subversion in Gertrude Stein's Lifting Belly
Nicola Rehling

"Ah, could they know": The Place of the Erotic in H. D.'s Hymen
Harriet Tarlo

The Maternal, the Lesbian, and the Political: Explorations of the Erotic in Audre Lorde's Poetry
M. Pilar Sánchez Calle

Eros at the Temple Stream: Eroticism in the Poetry of Denise Levertov
Jóse Rodríguez Herrera

Representations of the Male in the Female Imagination:
The Brontës and Dickinson
Morag Harris

Sound of Silence: A Reading of Elizabeth Barret Browning's Sonnet XXXVIII
Tatjana Jukić

"My life, my soul, my all is fixed upon enjoyment": Female Desire in Mrs Manley's The Royal Mischief
e Rubik

Rewriting the Renaissance Language of Love and Desire:
The "bodily burdein" in the Poetry of Mary, Queen of Scots
Sarah M. Dunningan

"Είμαι το σώμα": Το ερωτικό πάθος στην ποίηση της Louise Labé
Γιώργος Φρέρης
