ESSE Doctoral Symposium 28-29 August 2017

Symposium Funding

Those applicants who have been selected for participation can apply to ESSE between 15 and 31 March 2017 for financial support, to a maximum of €500 per applicant. Eligible expenses are airfares, ground transportation costs and accommodation. Applicants for financial support are required to be members of their national associations affiliated to ESSE, except for those whose associations do not consider PhD students eligible as members; in this case, their supervisors or the department to which they are affiliated must be ESSE members.

Applications for financial support will be considered during April by a Committee consisting of the Coordinator of the ESSE Doctoral Symposium and the three Convenors from the ESSE Board; the Committee’s definitive decision will be communicated to all applicants by 30 April 2017. Applications for financial support should be sent, no later than 31 March 2017, to the Coordinator of the ESSE Doctoral Symposium, Professor J. Lachlan Mackenzie (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands) at Each application for financial support should include three documents (in attachment to the e-mail of application):

  • the applicant’s CV;
  • a letter detailing the applicant’s eligibility clearly and fully explaining the need for financial support, including a provisional budget for travel costs and/or accommodation expenses;
  • a signed statement from the applicant’s supervisor, including a declaration that it is impossible for the applicant to draw on private means or any other sources of funding, including funding earmarked for the ongoing doctoral project, for the purpose of participating in the ESSE Doctoral Symposium.

Please note that ESSE’s decisions about selection for participation and about financial support are final and not subject to appeal.