Maria Schoina

Associate Professor
Department of English Literature and Culture



Maria Schoina is Associate Professor in the Department of English Literature and Culture. She received her BA, MA and Ph.D. from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research interests focus on British Romantic literature and culture (esp. Byron and the Shelleys), Romantic Philhellenism, Anglo-Italian literary and cultural relations, the reception of classical texts in the Romantic period, gothic literature, and the history of the book.

She has presented several papers at international conferences and her essays have appeared in journals such as Romanticism, The Byron Journal, the Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies, European Romantic Review, The Wordsworth Circle and in essay collections. She is the author of Romantic 'Anglo-Italians': Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle (Ashgate 2009; Routledge, 2016; Routledge 2019 as a paperback) and co-editor of The Place of Lord Byron in World History: Studies in his Life, Writings, and Influence (Edwin Mellen Press 2012). Romantic Anglo-Italians received very positive reviews in The Year’s Work in English Studies (90, 2011;645-46) in The Byron Journal (39.1, 2011; 64-67) in the Keats-Shelley Review (26.1, 2012; 75-77), in the BARS Bulletin (43, 2012;18-19).



  • Lit5-125 Workshop in Critical Writing: Poetry
  • Lit5-130 Introduction to Literary Studies
  • Lit6-260 Survey of English Literature I
  • Lit6-375 English Romanticism: Literature and Politics (1780‒1830)
  • Lit6-338 British Gothic Writing 1760-1900
  • Lit6-425 Travel Narratives


  • Lit510 Literary Movements I: British Romanticism: Literatures, Identities, Empire. MA in English and American Studies, School of English, Aristotle University, Fall Semester 2018-19.
  • ÅËÐ1-501 European Literature and Culture É (‒1700)
    Joint Postgraduate Programme of Studies in European Literature and Culture, Aristotle University

Postgraduate Supervision

I’d be happy to consider proposals for supervising doctoral dissertations in the following areas:

  • Romantic poetry and politics (esp. Byron and the Shelleys)
  • Anglo-Italian literary and cultural relations (18th-19th cent)


A. Books

i. Author

Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. Ashgate, 2009; Routledge 2016. ISBN: 9780754662921. Published as a paperback by Routledge in 2019. ISBN: 978036788799.

ii. Editor

Byron and Translation. Ed.and intro. Maria Schoina and Alexander Grammatikos. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2024 (forthcoming).

Áíèïëïãßá Ñïìáíôéêþí Ðïéçôþí. Äßãëùóóç ¸êäïóç. ÅðéóôçìïíéêÞ åðéìÝëåéá, åéóáãùãÞ, âéïãñáöéêÜ ðïéçôþí: Ìáñßá Ó÷ïéíÜ. ÌåôáöñÜóåéò: ËÝíá ÊáëëÝñãç, Åõôõ÷ßá Ðáíáãéþôïõ. ÊÝäñïò, ÁèÞíá 2021. 978-960-04-5201-3.

ÃÑÁÌÌÁ/GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism 26 (2019) “Mapping New Trends: Greek Scholarship in Anglophone Studies.” Ed. and introduction by Zoe Detsi and Maria Schoina. Assistant Editor: Chrysovalantis Kampragkos.

The Place of Lord Byron in World History: Studies in His Life, Writings, and Influence. Selected Papers from the XXXV International Byron Conference. Ed. and intro. Nic Panagopoulos and Maria Schoina. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-7734-2931-4.

ÃÑÁÌÌÁ/GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism 21 (2013). “The History and Future of the 19th-Century Book.” Ed. and introduction by Maria Schoina and Andrew Stauffer. 2015. Print.

B. Chapters in edited collections

“Byron’s Reviewers.” The Oxford Handbook of Lord Byron. Ed. Alan Rawes and Jonathon Shears. Oxford University Press (forthcoming).

“The Pisan Circle and the Cockney School.” Byron in Context. Ed. Clara Tuite. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2019, pp. 214–221. Literature in Context. Invited.

“‘Like Prometheus on the Rock’: William Blake in Greece.” The Reception of William Blake in Europe. 2 vols. Ed. Morton Paley and Sibylle Erle. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. ISBN 9781350097674. Vol. 2, pp. 635-647.

“‘Stanza for stanza – and … line for line: Byron’s Translations’ .” Essays on Byron in Honour of Dr Peter Cochran: Breaking the Mould. Ed. Malcolm Kelsall, Peter Graham and Mirka Horova. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. ISBN 978-1527506077. pp. 32-47. Invited.

“Satyr Play in a Radical Vein: Shelley’s Cyclops”. The Neglected Shelley. Ed. Alan Weinberg and Timothy Webb. Routledge, 2015. 177-197. Invited.

“The History and Future of the 19th-Century Book.” ÃÑÁÌÌÁ/GRAMMA: Journal of Theory and Criticism 21 (2013) Ed. and intro. Maria Schoina and Andrew Stauffer (2015). ISBN: 1106-1170. 7-12.

“Byron and Casti: Dangerous Liaisons.” Byron and Latin Culture. Selected Proceedings of the 37th International Byron Conference. Ed. Peter Cochran. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013. 236-247.

“Reading Byron in Modern Greek History: The Year 1974.” The Place of Lord Byron in World History: Studies in His Life, Writings, and Influence. Ed. and intro. Nic Panagopoulos and Maria Schoina. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-7734-2931-4. 27-36.

“Introduction.” Co-authored with Nic Panagopoulos. The Place of Lord Byron in World History: Studies in His Life, Writings, and Influence. Ed. Nic Panagopoulos and Maria Schoina. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. xxi-xxvii.

“‘The Prophet of Noble Struggles’: Shelley in Greece.” Shelley’s Reception in Europe. Ed. Michael Rossington and Susanne Schmidt. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe. London: Continuum 2008 (currently Bloomsbury). 258‒277.

Reconstructing the Byronic Hero: Mary Shelley’s The Last Man.” Lord Byron “Correspondence(s)” ‒ XXXII International Byron Conference, June 2006. Ed. Christiane Vigouroux. Paris: Francois ‒ Xavier de Guibert, 2008. 305‒313.

“Empire Politics and Feminine Civilisation in Mary Shelley’s ‘Euphrasia: A Tale of Greece.’ ” Anglo-American Perceptions of Hellenism. Ed. Tatiani Rapatzikou. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2007. 42‒54.

“Cities of the Mind: Venice and London in 18th Century Capriccio Paintings.” City in Culture in City. Proceedings: 9th International Cultural Studies Symposium May 2004, Ege University, Izmir. Ed. Ayse Lahur Kirtunc. Izmir: Ege University, 2005. 149-167.

“‘My Heart is All Meridian’: Byron’s Anglo-Italian Identity.” Byron and Greece: Proceedings of the 1st International Student Byron Conference 11-19 May 2002, Messolonghi. Ed. Marios Byron Raizis. Athens: Messolonghi Byron Society, 2003. 159-174.

C. Journal Articles

Kaleidoscope of a Self: Byron’s Ravenna JournalThe Byron Journal, 52.1 (2024), pp. 33-44.

Byron and Nineteenth-Century Literary Philhellenism in America.” European Journal of American Studies [Online], 17-1 | 2022, ISSN: 1991-9336.

“Thomas Jefferson Hogg to Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. An Unpublished Holograph Letter.” With Eirini Papadopoulou. Notes & Queries. Oxford University Press. Vol. 67, Issue 1 (March 2020). 93-99.

“Grubbing at ‘Greek Roots’: Mary Shelley’s Greek Learning.” The Keats-Shelley Review, Vol. 33, Issue 1, 2019. pp. 96-109.

"Byron and The Liberal: A Reassessment." Litteraria Pragensia Vol. 23 Issue 46 (Dec. 2013). 23-38. Special issue on Byron and Italy. Eds. Alan Rawes and Mirka Horova. 2015.

“Revisiting Byron’s Italian Style.” The Byron Journal 36.1 (2008). 19‒27.

‘To engraft ourselves on foreign stocks’: Byron’s Poetics of Acculturation.” Romanticism on the Net 43 (Aug. 2006) Special issue: Lord Byron’s Canons. Ed. Jeffery W. Vail.

“Leigh Hunt’s Letters from Abroad and the ‘Anglo-Italian’ Discourse of The Liberal.” Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism 12.2 (2006). 115-125.

“Mary Shelley, Anglo-Italicus: Female Self-Assertion and the Politics of Distinction.” Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies 8 (2006). 33-46.

“Sites, Signs and Citations: Shelley’s Topographies of Italy.” La Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici 15/16 (Autunno 2003-Primavera 2004). 81-92.

“The Poetry of Politics in Shelley’s and Byron’s Italian Works.” GRAMMA/ÃÑÁÌÌÁ: Journal of Theory and Criticism 9 (2001). 69-91.

D. Reviews and Review Essays

Saglia, Diego. European Literatures in Britain, 1815-1832, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. La Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici, vol.15, no. 1/2 (2023): 186-189.

Antonella Braida, ed., Mary Shelley and Europe: Essays in Honour of Jean de Palacio, Studies in Comparative Literature, 55 (Cambridge: Legenda, 2020). Comparative Critical Studies, 19.1 (2022): 94-98.

Bowers, Will, The Italian Idea: Anglo-Italian Radical Literary Culture, Cambridge University Press, 2020. Review 19, July 2020.

Saglia, Diego and Alan Rawes, eds. Byron and Italy. Manchester University Press, 2017. BARS (British Association for Romantic Studies) Bulletin & Review 51 (Spring 2018): 14-15.

Stabler, Jane, The Artistry of Exile, OUP, 2013 and O'Neill, Michael et al eds. Venice and the Cultural Imagination, Pickering and Chatto, 2012. European Romantic Review 26.1 (2015): 100-105. (Review essay of 3,000 words)

Camilletti, Fabio A., Clacissism and Romanticism in Italian Literature: Leopardi’s Discourse on Romantic Poetry, London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013. BARS (British Association for Romantic Studies) Bulletin & Review 45 (Spring 2015):5-6.

Stock, Paul, The Shelley-Byron Circle and the Idea of Europe, Palgrave 2009. Keats‒Shelley Review 26.1 (2012): 153‒155.

Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Antrogynes Anagnoseis (Androgynous Readings: Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley), Epikentro 2010. Thessalonikeon Polis (City of Thessaloniki Journal) 12/35 (2011): 92. (Review in Greek)

Arnold Anthony Schmidt, Byron and the Rhetoric of Italian Nationalism, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Nineteenth-Century Contexts 33.4 (Sept. 2011): 390-392.

Crisafulli, Lilla Maria, and Cecilia Pietropoli, ed. Romantic Women Poets: Genre and Gender, Amsterdam, New York, Rodopi, 2007. The European English Messenger 19.1 (Spring 2010): 81-84.

Bouazzi, Mohamed Lazhar, Self, Imagination and Ethics in Shelley's Poetry. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature 37.4 (Dec. 2010): 411-413.

Zuccato, Edoardo, Petrarch in Romantic England, Palgrave, 2008. The Wordsworth Circle XL, 4 (Autumn 2009): 182‒83.

Braida, Antonella, Dante and the Romantics, Palgrave 2004. The Wordsworth Circle XXXVII, 4 (Autumn 2006): 230-32.

Chapman, Alison, and Jane Stabler, ed. Unfolding the South: Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers and Artists in Italy, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2003. The Wordsworth Circle XXXVI, 4 (Autumn 2005): 168-171.

Lilla Maria Crisafulli (a cura di), Immaginando I’Italia: Itinerari letterari del Romanticismo Inglese, Bologna, CLUEB, 2002 and Roberta Mullini e Romana Zacchi (a cura di), Traduzioni, Echi, Consonanze: Dal Rinascimento al Romanticismo, Bologna, CLUEB, 2002. La Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici 10 (2001): 165-170.

Diego Saglia, I Discorsi dell’Esotico: L’Oriente nel Romanticismo Britannico 1780-1830, Napoli, Liguori, 2002. La Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare di Studi Romantici 11 (2001): 203-207.

Published Reviews of my Work

BARS Bulletin (Issue 43, Spring/Summer 2012): 17-18. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. [by Serena Baiesi]

BARS Bulletin (Issue 43, Spring/Summer 2012): 18-19. Review of The Place of Lord Byron in World History: Studies in His Life, Writings, and Influence. Ed. and intro. Nic Panagopoulos and Maria Schoina. Lampeter, Wales: Edwin Mellen Press, 2013. [by Alex Watson]

European Romantic Review 23.1 (2012): 79‒84. Review of  Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. [by Stephen Cheeke]

The Keats-Shelley Review 26.1 (2012): 75-77. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. [by Madaleine Callaghan]

Journal of Anglo-Italian Studies 11 (2011): 165-166. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. [by Peter Vassallo]

The Byron Journal 39.1 (2011): 64-67. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. Aldershot & Burlington: Ashgate, 2009. [by Diego Saglia]

Year’s Work in English Studies 90 (2011): 645-46. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle.

SHARP News 19.4 (2010): 9. Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle. [by Maria Paola Svampa]

ATLANTIS 32.2 (Dec. 2010): 131-36. Review of Shelley’s Reception in Europe. Ed. Michael Rossington and Susanne Schmidt. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe. London: Continuum 2008. [by Agustin Coletes Blanco]

Prism(s): Essays in Romanticism 17 (2009). Review of Romantic Anglo-Italians: Configurations of Identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle.


  • “‘These oriental writings on the wall’: Reclaiming Greece in Byron’s Don Juan”. Bicentennial Symposium “Byron and the Mediterranean Cult of the South”, organised by the University of Notre Dame, the Keats-Shelley House, and the University of Colorado Boulder, Rome, 20-22 June 2024. (invited)
  • Ïìéëßá «Ëüñäïò ÌðÜéñïí: ï ÐïéçôÞò ÅðáíáóôÜôçò». ÅêäÞëùóç ãéá ôá 200 ÷ñüíéá áðü ôï èÜíáôï ôïõ Ëüñäïõ Âýñùíá óôï Ìåóïëüããé. ÌåãÜëç Áßèïõóá Ðáíåðéóôçìßïõ Áèçíþí. ÄéïñãÜíùóç ÅÊÐÁ. 28 ÌáÀïõ 2024. (invited)
  • “Confessions of an Ultramontane Lover: Byron’s Letters in Italian to Teresa Guiccioli”. Provocative & Provoking: Fifty Shades of Byron, Newstead Abbey Byron Conference, 26-27th April, 2024.
  • Äéåèíéêüò öéëåëåõèåñéóìüò óôç ìåôáíáðïëåüíôåéá Åõñþðç: ç ðåñßðôùóç ôïõ ëïãïôå÷íéêïý ðåñéïäéêïý Ï Öéëåëåýèåñïò (The Liberal, 1822-1823). Ôï 1821 óôçí Ðñþôç Óåëßäá: Ç ÅëëçíéêÞ ÅðáíÜóôáóç óôïí ÄéåèíÞ êáé Åã÷þñéï Ôýðï, ÅÊÐÁ, ÂïõëÞ ôùí ÅëëÞíùí (Áßèïõóá ôçò Ãåñïõóßáò), Äéçìåñßäá, 29-30 Éáíïõñßïõ 2024. (invited)
  • Panel session on transnational liberalism in the early 1820s: contribution on the subject of Greek politics in The Liberal. “20th Hazlitt Day School; A BICENTENARY CELEBRATION OF THE LIBERAL” in collaboration with The Byron Society, 17 September 2022
  • “ ‘The great mover of an intellectual revolution’: Byron and the Liberal”, lecture given in London, organized by The Byron Society, 16 September 2022 (in person; as invited speaker).
  • “Greece in Mary Shelley’s Late Fiction: The Cases of Lodore (1835) and Falkner (1837)” paper given at international conference Greece in Victorian Popular Culture organized by the Department of English Language and Literature National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, April 2022 (online)
  • “The Greek War of Independence in Leigh Hunt’s Articles in the Examiner”, paper presented at international conference Through the Pen of Others: Nineteenth- Century Views of Revolutionary Greece, organized by the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, December 2021 (online)
  • “Byron’s Romantic Philhellenism”, lecture given at the UCLA SNF Center for the Study of Hellenic Culture, 25 September 2021 (online; invited)
  • Byron’s Poetic Revolution”, lecture given at the British Embassy Athens within the framework of “The 1821-2021 Lectures: Britain, Britons and the Greek Revolution»”, 12 April 2021, (as invited speaker; online)
  • “Byron and 19th-Century Literary Philhellenism in America”, paper presented in the symposium The Greek War of Independence and the Unites States: Narratives of Myth and Reality, 19-20 March 2021, organized by the School of English of AUTH (online; as invited speaker)
  • “Byron's Italian Models” paper presented at Byron’s Don Juan: A Bicentennial Symposium in Chicago, USA, 18-19 October 2019 (as invited speaker).
  • “Byron's Ideas on Translation” paper presented at the 44th International Byron Conference, Ravenna, Italy, 2-6 July 2018.
  • “Mary Shelley’s Greek Studies Revisited” paper presented at ‘The Shelley Conference 2017’, a two-day conference on the works of PBS and MWS organized by the Institute of English Studies, London, 15-16 September 2017.
  • “The Shelleys and Classical Learning” paper presented at the BARS 15th International conference, York, UK, July 2017. Panel: ‘Education and Useful Knowledge’.
  • “ ‘Happy while Studying Greek’: Mary Shelley and the Attractions of Classical Scholarship” paper presented in the symposium Beyond Frankenstein’s Shadow: Mary Shelley’s Works and their European Reception, Lorraine University, Nancy, France, 29 April 2016 (as invited speaker).
  • “ ‘of all times and nations’: Peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean in Byron’s Poetry” paper presented at the international conference Lines Between: Culture and Empire in Eastern Mediterranean, EUC, Nicosia, Cyprus 3-6 June 2015, organized by Stockton University and the European University of Cyprus.
  • 11 May 2015 “The Adventures of Polyphemus: From Homer to English Romantic Poet P.B. Shelley”, paper presented at a round table on the transformations of the Homeric text in world literature. Organised by AUTH and the European Commission in Greece (in Greek).
  • “ ‘Like Prometheus on the Rock’: William Blake in Greece” paper presented at the Colloquium on Blake’s Reception in Europe (as contributor to the volume) Tate Britain, London, 25-27 June 2014 (funded by the British Academy).
  • “Byron and The Liberal: a Reassessment,” paper presented at the 39th International Byron Conference, King’s College, London, 1-6 July 2013.
  • 21 March 2013 “English Romantic Poets and Greece”, public lecture (in Greek) presented at event in Serres, Greece, organized by the Association of Teachers of Secondary Education on the occasion of World Poetry Day 2013.
  • “Picturing the Birth of a Nation in Charles Dickens’s Pictures from Italy,” paper presented at the international conference Charles Dickens: Births, Marriages, Deaths, 19-20 October 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • “Changing Prospects: Mary Shelley’s Ethic of Travel,” paper presented at the 20th International NASSR Conference Romantic Prospects, 15-19 August 2012, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
  • Book presentation (in Greek): Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, I Ellada tou Romantismou: Proseggiseis ton pioiton Byron, Shelley, Keats (Romantic Greece: Approaches to the Poetry of Byron, Shelley, and Keats), at theTelogleion Institute of Arts, Thessaloniki, June 2012.
  • “Lord Byron and Greece,” public lecture (in Greek) presented at event on Lord Byron organized by the “Byron” Association for Culture and Philhellenism, Vafopouleion Cultural Centre of Thessaloniki, May 2012.
  • “Byron and Casti: Dangerous Liaisons,” paper presented at the 37th International Byron Conference, Valladolid-Spain, June 2011.
  • Book presentation (in Greek): Ekaterini Douka-Kabitoglou, Antrogynes Anagnoseis: Percy Shelley kai Mary Shelley (Androgynous Readings: Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley), at the Telogleion Institute of Arts, Thessaloniki, October 2010.
  • “Reading Byron in Modern Greek History: The Year 1974 and Beyond,” paper presented at the 35th Annual International Byron Conference, Athens-Messolonghi, Sept. 2009.
  • “Just as I feel the Improvisatore”: Byron and the Italian Style,” paper presented at the 33rd International Byron Conference, University of Venice, July 2007.
  • “Byron, Don Juan and Ottava Rima,” paper presented at Byron Society of America Annual panel, MLA, Philadelphia, US, 2006 (invited).
  • “Shelley in Greece,” paper presented at the Colloquium on P.B. Shelley’s Reception in Europe (as contributor to the volume), Oxford, UK, July 2006.
  • “Reconstructing the Byronic Hero: Mary Shelley’s The Last Man,” paper presented at the 32nd International Byron Conference, Paris Sorbonne IV, June 2006.
  • “Mary Shelley, Anglo-Italicus: Female Self-Assertion and the Politics of Distinction,” paper presented at the 5th International Conference on “England and Italy: Literary and Cultural Relations” (Institute of Anglo-Italian Studies), Malta, Sept. 2005.
  • “Byron’s Poetics of Acculturation,” paper presented at the 31st International Byron Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Aug. 2005.
  • “Empire Politics and Feminine Civilisation in Mary Shelley’s ‘Euphrasia: A Tale of Greece,’” paper presented at the 5th Symbiosis Biennial Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 2005.
  • “Leigh Hunt’s Letters from Abroad and the ‘Anglo-Italian’ Discourse of The Liberal,” paper presented at NASSR 12th International Conference, Boulder CO, US, Sept. 2004.
  • “Cities of the Mind: Venice and London in Late 18th Century Capriccio Paintings,” paper presented at the 9th International Cultural Studies Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, May 2004.
  • “The ‘Sweet Abode’ of Pisa: Shelley and the Con-figuration of an Anglo-Italian Cultural Geography,” paper presented at NASSR 11th International Conference New York, USA, August 2003.
  • “Sites, Signs and Citations: Shelley’s Topographies of Italy,” paper presented at BARS & Centre for Romantic Studies Conference, Bologna University, Italy, Feb. 2003.
  • “ ‘My Heart is All Meridian’: Byron’s Anglo-Italian Identity,” paper presented at 1st International Student Byron Conference, Messolonghi, Greece, May 2002.
  • “Imaginative Geography and the Romantic Topos in W. Marlow’s Capriccio: St.Paul’s and a Venetian Canal,” paper presented at BARS 7th International conference, Liverpool, UK, July 2001.


  • 2024 Carr-Thomas-Ovenden Fellowship in English Literature at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford (2024-25).
  • 2023 Elected Joint President of the International Association of Byron Societies (IABS).
  • 2019, IABS (International Association of Byron Societies) conference award to participate as invited speaker in the Bicentennial Symposium on Byron’s Don Juan in Chicago, USA, 18-19 October 2019.
  • 2016, Distinction received in the framework of "Aristotle University excels: The most important distinctions of AUTH members for the year 2015."
  • 2015, British School of Athens Centenary Bursary Award for 2015-16 (for research conducted in the Bodleian Libraries in September 2016).
  • 2014, Visiting Scholar’s grant, Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University, Washington DC, USA, November 2014.
  • 2012, Scholarship granted by the Research Committee of Aristotle University in support of the research project: “Literary Studies in the Digital Age: Challenges and Prospects” (Special competitive programme for junior scholars and lecturers)
  • 2012, ESSE (The European Society for the Study of English) Research Bursary Type B, for research conducted at the Bodleian library, Oxford (1-10 April 2012). Title of research project: “Mary Shelley’s Greece: History Against Fiction”
  • 2006-7 Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) ‒ Post-doctoral Studies Scholarship (Field of research: comparative literature)
  • 2006, Scholarship of Excellence for Post-doctoral Researchers by the Research Committee of Aristotle University
  • 2004, Travel bursary by the NASSR Executive for NASSR 2004 conference, Boulder CO
  • 2004, ESSE Research Bursary Type A, The European Society for the Study of English (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
  • 2003, Travel bursary by the NASSR Executive for NASSR 2003 conference, New York
  • 2002-2003, Eight-month Research Scholarship by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Host University: Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • 2002, Scholarship of Excellence for Ph.D. Candidates by the Research Committee of Aristotle University
  • 1997-2001, Greek State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) - Postgraduate Studies Scholarship


  • 2020, Referee for European Romantic Review.
  • 2020, External Reader for Liverpool University Press.
  • 2019, External Reader for Anthem Press.
  • 2017- present, Co-editor of GRAMMA/ÃÑÁÌÌÁ: Journal of Theory and Criticism (Peer-reviewed electronic international journal of the School of English of Aristotle University, hosted by The Prothiki, Aristotle University’s Platform for open -access journals).
  • 2017, External Reader for Edinburgh University Press.
  • 2017, Referee for selected articles for PMLA (April 2017) and Studia Anglica Posnaniensia: An International Review of English Studies (May 2017)
  • 2012-2013, External Reader for Ashgate.
  • 2013, External assessor for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grants.
  • 2014-2017, Treasurer for The Hellenic Association for the Study of English (HASE).
  • 2012-2016, Deputy Director of Studies for the Messolonghi Byron Research Center. 


  • 7/2024, Member of the Academic Committee of the 48th International Byron Conference, “Byron: The Pilgrim of Eternity” (1-5 July 2024)
  • 6-7/2021, Organiser of the 46th International Byron Conference, Thessaloniki; Conference topic: “Wars and Words
  • 11/2017, Organiser of International Symposium, “Byron’s Voices: Cultural and Textual Interactions”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • 4/2016, Member of the Organizing Committee of the Symposium “Personal Narratives”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • 5/2015, Member of the Organizing Committee of the HASE International conference “Rethinking Democracy in Language, Literature and Culture”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • 3/2014, Organiser of International Symposium ,“The Study of Literature in the Digital Age”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • 7/2012, Member of the Academic Committee of the XXXVÉI International Byron Conference, “Byron and Genre” (Beirut, Lebanon)
  • 5/2011, Organiser of “Research Day” (postgraduate annual student conference) 2011
  • 7/2011, Member of the Academic Committee of the XXXVÉ International Byron Conference, “Byron and Latin Culture” (Valladolid, Spain)
  • 9/2009, Member of the Academic Committee of the XXXV International Byron Conference, “Lord Byron and History” (Athens/Messolonghi)
  • 2012- present, Coordinator of “Problematics of Culture and Theory” seminars


  • British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS)
  • North American Society for the Study of Romanticism (NASSR)
  • Hellenic Association for the Study of English (HASE)
  • The European Society for the Study of English (ESSE)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)


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